7D Media and Preorders

I am super excited to announce that I have signed with 7D Media for my latest release. Trey Gunn has long been a hero in the tapping community so to be associated with his label is truly an honor.

Preorders are available now at https://jasonblake7d.bandcamp.com/album/subsequent-ruins

7D Media Announcement: https://www.7dmedia.com/news/2023/3/3/subsequent-ruins-by-jason-blake

Facebook announcement: https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0nY92BJfHadhRW23gAYVqJtmaomVnknETQMs8Bna7iv7aWBqjBrypBdctCPV4Z6Ail&id=100067377485442&mibextid=qC1gEa