The Compromise Rationale
1. A Certain Balance (video)
2. Euporia with Repercussions
3. Deforming Reality
4. Practical Methods of Gratification
5. The Compromise Rationale
6. Secondary Influences
7. A Moral Impasse
Musicians: Jason Blake (Warr Guitar)
Label: Wayfarer Records
Release Date: September 23, 2022
Music: All songs written by Jason Blake
Recording: Recorded at Jason Blake Music
Mix: Amery Schmeisser at Gravel Road Recording
Mastering: Bob Katz at Digital Domain
Artwork/Design: Michal Karcz
This is part two of his Ternary Instinct trilogy. Whereas Fictional Mirrors represented the superego, The Compromise Rationale tackles the ego. The album takes on a much more heavy and dark tone as compared to its predecessor. I wrote this music similar to how I compose for Aziola Cry. I begin with Warr guitar parts in odd time signatures and layer heavy guitar parts throughout.
“…there is more than enough detail and compositional sophistication to keep your ears busy across multiple fully-attentive listenings.”- Avant Music News
“It's often cinematic and soundtrack-like.” - Music Street Journal