The Rock Metal Podcast Interview

Aziola Cry Interview on Music In Widescreen

Listen to the interview with Tommy and me. New and old Aziola Cry songs were also played as part of the show.

The Ironic Divide Released Today

I am very excited to announce the new album by Aziola Cryhas been released today on Sensory Records. Buy it at The Laser’s Edge ( or your favorite record store. The album is also available for streaming.

Press Release:

Aziola Cry Video Premiere

I am very excited to announce the premiere of the Aziola Cry video for “And Cowards.”

The first two albums started with soundscapes, so I intentionally wanted this one to begin differently. I like the contrast of my solo with the rest of the song. This very minimal Warr Guitar and drums section creates a sonic break that helps the song to build up to its climax. For the video, I once again worked with Micka Klauck and Jeremy Bessoff to create the visuals for the music. Micka created a unique drawing of the character from the cover. Jeremy used this art along with my story concept to produce an animation with a deeper, underlying meaning. For the band portion, we rented out an old, dilapidated department store and spent most of the night filming with Eric James Walsh in the freezing Chicago weather.

New Albums

I have completed work on two new albums with one of them being mastered this week and the other ready to go. Much of the recording was done from November through January with extra time put in during the holiday break. They are very different from each other which is why I worked on them simultaneously. I am making plans now to release them hopefully before summer.